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What’s the Vibe for 2025?

Crush Your Intentions with Care

Earl Nightingale once wrote, “You are, at this moment, standing right in the middle of your own acres of diamonds.”

Sounds like a good start to New Year goals, right? There’s only one problem: Nightingale’s sentiment can feel impossible to make real. So, in the January series, 4 Cs to Crush Your Intentions, we’ll talk through a simple framework so you can start crushing your goals. The key to success is using the people skills you rely on every day, such as Care, Confidence, Capacity, and Clarity.

First, let’s discuss the element of Care. Imagine a holiday with your besties celebrating a milestone event. You wouldn’t think of rushing out the door, hoping all the stars align. Instead, you want a stunning vacation. That means putting in some Care to maximize your precious time, hit the high points, and skip the misses.

Let’s meet someone whose attention to Care took him from short-term thinking to a rewarding profession.

Create More Than a Career

You may know Ken Burns for his iconic PBS films such as The Civil War, which has received over 40 film and television awards. He’s had stellar accomplishments as a documentary director including two Oscars, 15 Emmys, and two Grammys.

But the twist is the warning Burns received as a young filmmaker. Poet Robert Penn Warren told Ken, “Careerism is death,” meaning an endless focus on results alone is a short-sighted way to live.

Warren’s insight inspired Ken to switch from chasing hits to focusing on work and creative partnerships that made him thrive. Burns has created more than a successful career—he has a robust professional life.

10 Emotions to Power Your Goals

In the past, did someone tell you to start January by setting a list of big, bold goals and jumping in with both feet? But take a minute to walk down Memory Lane. Did you crush your goals or wind up feeling anxious and pressured to have instant results? Even worse, did you wind up with a list of dry, uninspiring resolutions like getting more steps and having green smoothies?

It’s time to break the spell of the mindset that you have to rush to whatever gives instant success. In its place, take time and Care to craft meaningful, sophisticated goals. Goals that are centered around understanding what motivates people and makes them run. Goals where you finally pass the test and discover how to manage irritations that used to be the boss of you. And goals that will take you from generic career ladder steps to making a rewarding professional life.

One straightforward way to start your list is by asking yourself, “What’s the vibe for 2025?” Noodle on how you’d like to feel in 30 days, 90 days, or a year from now. And here’s the easy part: Your first ideas are right!

If you hate these kinds of exercises, here’s why you want to reconsider: Goals are a lot easier to achieve when they’re backed up by passion. If you get the emotions straight, you’ll pick the right goals to support that outcome. So, write down what comes to mind, even if it’s just a quick list on your phone. That way, you’ll be able to check in and see how you’re progressing.

For instance, here are ten emotions to kickstart your thinking about how to power your goals:

Getting into the groove of a new year can be a lot—so it’s ok if you’re not raring to go. However, remember to take advantage of this time since this is the moment of standing right in the middle of your own acres of diamonds.

Tune into the ways you can Care for your professional life, and you’ll crush your goals. Toss that list of uninspiring resolutions. Start powering goals with passion and people skills and define the vibe for 2025.