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Genuine Power Affirmations

Are you ready to build on the seven Genuine Power Techniques?

Reach for an affirmation.

101 Genuine Power Affirmations for a Loud, Complicated World is the companion book to Genuine Power. It includes:

  • An overview of why you should use affirmations
  • 101 affirmations based on soft skill categories like adaptability, creativity, decision making, empathy, and healthy self-confidence
  • A special bonus section, “7 Blocks to Successful Affirmations”

Enjoy the short excerpt below along with 21 genuine power affirmations.

It’s simple—When you take a mindful approach to the language you’re using, miracles can happen.

Why You Should Use Affirmations

You can build on the seven Genuine Power Techniques by using affirmative statements throughout the day.

Affirmations are short, encouraging statements that help shift your attitudes and actions. They can serve as an empowering tool to release fears, outworn beliefs, and bad experiences.

Think of affirmations like bathing after a long day of travel. On one of my worst trips, the flight was delayed six times. When I got on the plane three hours later, the guy next to me accidentally tipped his iced coffee onto my lap. Then there was gum on the floor of the shuttle. You can imagine how happy I was to finally reach my hotel room. As soon as the warm water hit my skin, I felt like a new person.

Affirmations are a way to wash off the grit and grime we pick up in our minds over time. You can use affirmations as a tool to help you overlook a nasty comment from someone at the office. Or they can help dismantle patterns that stick to you like gum on your shoe, such as the habit of always working for a critical manager. And they are a way to discover and finally heal unspoken emotions that used to leave you feeling scared and vulnerable.

There are many ways to express affirmations. Some people write them by hand. Others swear by the practice of saying them out loud. Or you could record and listen back to declarations you create—that’s the ultimate personalization. You can say them once, but they’ll really sink in if you use them several times in a row or at different times during the day. A guideline is to repeat the affirmation until you feel a genuine inner transformation.

You should also consider the “quiet approach” that has worked well for me. I’ve found affirmations to be just as effective when I use them silently. When you take the quiet approach, affirmations become a real-time, wherever-you-are practice.

Here’s how an affirmation could work for you. You might replace the negative script of Bad things always happen to me that pops into your head when you’re caught in line at the grocery store or sitting in traffic to the positive thought of I know how to stay in peace. You could scan one of the affirmations lists in this book on your phone to calm your nerves before a big meeting. Or center yourself after a spat with a family member by hacking an affirmation on the list down to a single word such as peace, calm, or wisdom, or another word that will shift how you’re feeling.

It’s your decision whether you use only one method or combine all the choices above. After all, you’re the boss of you. There is only one hard and fast rule necessary for success—use affirmations every day.

Are you still skeptical about this practice? You might be like a friend of mine who joked, “What—you just tell yourself something over and over?”

Fair enough.

However, even Albert Einstein recognized the power of the subconscious, saying, “Have the courage to take your own thoughts seriously, for they will shape you.” So, let’s reboot affirmations, so they’re relevant, and what’s more, effective.