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21 Intention Affirmations

Are you ready to anchor the ideas we’ve talked about in the intentions series this month? Start by using these 21 affirmations, and of course, make up your own.

There are a lot of urban myths around affirmations. You might think they’re just silly. Or others may have told you that affirmations don’t work. Or that they only work if you write them by hand hundreds of times a day.

This is the year to sweep all that chatter away and put your personal stamp on affirmations. (And, by the way, that’s staying the boss of you!) Think of it all the positive reasons to start this practice:

  • Affirmations remind you of what matters most. Your priorities can get lost in the middle of a busy day. Affirmations are a way to reconnect with the best part of yourself.
  • Affirmations change scripts we all have going such as, “I’m so anxious about my meeting,” to positive ideas like, “I am capable and confident.” What sounds better – spending your day worried or optimistic?
  • Affirmations are the Swiss army knife for goals They work for what you want to accomplish this year to what you’re getting done today.

Hmm…when you think about affirmations like this, maybe they’re worth a second look!

You’ve come so far this month. Expand the Good and keep it going, Soul Bosses.
