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How to Discover Unforgettable Jobs

Excel at In-Demand Soft Skills

You’ve probably heard of rage quitting. But have you met rage quitting’s little sister, rage applying?

The concept behind rage applying is simple: If you’re bugged enough, apply for a new role. Who knows—you may be only one click away from your dream job.

But let’s back up a minute. Is climbing the ladder really that simple?

Many Jobs are Forgettable

I heard about a woman who became so frustrated at work that she could sum up her feelings in one line: Get Me Out of Here!

So, she started applying to every Project Manager job she could find. And taking action felt great! In no time, she landed a new job. However, she was so rushed to change roles that she accidentally wound up in a miserable environment.

That person was Jasmine Escalara, who is now a career coach. Part of her mission is to help others see their value and avoid taking positions they might regret.

Use Soft Skills to Find Your Next Role

Have you known people like the case study who frantically let their fingers do the walking? I’ve made the same mistake, and the results weren’t pretty!

However, that doesn’t mean you should ignore your gut and stay in a lackluster situation. The trick is to transform irritations speaking loud and clear into good results. Let go of the unflattering Rage Applying chip on your shoulder. Instead, think of your situation as motivation. You’re being course corrected to the right spot.

Getting a loop is only half the battle. The rest of the fight is find the loopholes! Here’s what I mean: Tasks may not match the job description. The Hiring Manager may seem charming but then get defensive when you ask for details. And the culture you’re seeing may not be your jam. But uncovering those discrepancies takes a minute.

So, if you’re currently in the hunt to find a place where you can put your in-demand skills to work, use the How tactic of being discerning. Tapping into your instincts to make shrewd choices requires a calm, clear mind. And take it from a Deal Maker: You’re not in that state when you’re frantic to make a deal.

Here are five questions to find your next unforgettable role:

You can’t put a number on your mental and emotional health. So, look before you leap and dedicate your time, energy, and talents to opportunities worthy of you! Like some people say about dating, “You are the tequila, not the lime!”

Take smart shots and keep exploring until you discover like-minded people. Clear thinking is always in demand.

How Soft Skills Can Help You Be Unforgettable

Soft skills aren’t tricky or complicated—they’re as easy as 1, 2, 3! Here’s a recap of what we’ve discussed in the March series, Unforgettable, In-Demand Soft Skills:

Standing out happens one conversation, one deal, and one project at a time. So, take charge like the creative, wise CEO of your life—a Soul Boss—and start using soft skills to make your work partnerships unforgettable.