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Remember—You’re in Charge

Applying Soft Skills to the Coronavirus

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You might think the coronavirus is off-topic for personal development. Surprisingly, there’s a lot to talk about.

So, let me begin by asking a simple question: Is the coronavirus the boss of you? Let’s change that.

Reimagine Your Life as a Soul Boss

There are plenty of things beyond your control right now—like how fast the virus will spread, whether you’ll get it, or even if your favorite grocery store or bodega has toilet paper. You can’t regulate those circumstances, but you can choose how to respond. So, take a minute to step out of the group panic we see on the news. Instead, reimagine how you would respond as the creative, wise, CEO of your life—a Soul Boss.

If you’re feeling a little low right now, take yourself out of the picture. Who do you relate to as a Soul Boss? Is it someone with deep wisdom and life experience, like Oprah? Is it a courageous Jedi master, like Rey from “Star Wars”? Is it a multi-millionaire with outrageous self-confidence, like Beyonce? Or, is it a larger than life man with a plan, like The Rock?

When you think of those people, do they look worried to you? Of course not!

How I’m Using Soft Skills Right Now

Pushing and shoving won’t ensure you get your way. What you can do is pull out every soft skill at your disposal. Because we talk about soft skills week in and week out, the good news is that you’re already equipped for this crisis!

Let me tell you how I’m using soft skills right now:

  • I was a tech worker suddenly sent home. That meant I had to use adaptability and be flexible to create a new workspace.
  • Like many people, I’ve been shocked to see rows of empty shelves at my favorite stores. That requires me to approach my To-Do list with creativity. Believe me—there’s been plenty of MacGyvering going on at my place.
  • I must use discernment when it comes to the news and social media, especially because Seattle was one of the first places where coronavirus spread. The situation is moving fast, but too many sensational headlines can make me feel hopeless.
  • I have to approach my co-workers with empathy. Many of them are juggling conference calls and young kids, which is next to impossible. That means that we’re going to meet some deadlines and let others slide.
  • And ultimately, I’m keeping my healthy self-esteem intact by taking the pressure off. The idea of being a Soul Boss has two sides. On the one hand, you don’t let crazy problems be the boss of you. On the other side of the coin, you are a good boss of you (rather than mimicking the nervous micro-manager who once drove you bananas). So, whenever I feel overwhelmed, I bring myself back to the present moment. I don’t try to predict the next month. I try to deal with what’s in my inbox and in front of me today.

Take the Soul Boss Challenge

As a deal maker, I can attest that deals don’t get better when there are a lot of edgy, fast-talking people in the room. In fact, when you pull up the paperwork many months later, you usually wind up thinking, How did that provision get in there?! It got in there because people were rushing and anxious. And trust me—you don’t want to be that guy!

Instead, you want to be the person who brings calm and insight to a difficult situation. That’s why you need soft skills—because they work.

This week, put your soft skills to work in these ways:

  • Make it fast by taking 30 seconds to declare, “I claim authority over my life. I am well able!”
  • Make it deep by taking 30 minutes to think of healthy activities you can use to blow off steam.
  • Make it real by using your soft skills to navigate the uncertainty.

I’ll be posting some coronavirus-related affirmations on my Twitter, Facebook and Instagram feeds, but I’ve also set up a special Soul Boss Wellness Affirmations board on Pinterest. The Pinterest board will have all the affirmations and you can also laser focus on different topics, such as “Practice Self-Care and Wellness,” “Build Your Community,” “Release Fears and Anxiety,” and “Keep Your Self-Esteem Strong.”

Until next week, stay well!