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Special Bonus—Be Consistent with 21 Intention Affirmations

How are you doing with your intentions? Are you working on them every day, or are they hit or miss?

Let me give you a gift from my new book, Light it Up—7 Skills for Setting Intentions That Work, and that is one element of the special bonus section: Be Consistent with Three Pro Tips. You’re probably on the right track. You just need to put your skills to practice every day.

You can purchase Light it Up at Amazon or read it for free as part of their Kindle Unlimited program.

Don’t leave your heart’s desire sitting on a shelf. Skill up like a Soul Boss so you can declare, “My year was lit!”

Be Consistent

Intentions aren’t limited to trying to do the right thing or dreaming big dreams. They’re about acting. The case studies demonstrated that internal actions like visioning and reflection are
just as important as outward steps such as research, connecting with others, or creating something.

But here’s the big rock in the way: If acting is obvious, why is it so hard to be consistent?

Consistency is challenging because sometimes intentions don’t live where you are. They might hang out in a drawer. Or in a beautiful journal on your coffee table. Or in a long-forgotten file on your computer. That means it’s easy to forget about them in the push and pull of your day.

You can bridge the gap by using affirmations, and you can take them with you on your phone or tablet.

Affirmations are much more than wishing for good things; they are a healthy way to hold yourself accountable. If you run into roadblocks, dismantle them by working through the “7 Blocks to Successful Affirmations” checklist in my book 101 Genuine Power Affirmations for a Loud, Complicated World.

Think of affirmations as the connective tissue between your intention and the real world. When you say the affirmation, “My intentions align with my values,” cutting corners at work suddenly loses its appeal. You might be envious of your neighbor’s endless parade of new cars until you affirm, “I no longer compare my progress to others. I go at my own pace.” And you’ll shift that feeling of being stuck by saying, “I release all limitations.”

Here are 21 affirmations that will work for any intention but be sure to light up your intentions by making up your own statements. The more emotional and personal, the better!

21 Affirmations to Light Up Your Intentions

1.   I choose intentions that make me feel whole, healthy, and energized.

2.   I think big! I go beyond the expectations or achievements of others.

3.   My intentions align with my values.

4.   My intentions drive my daily priorities.

5.   My intentions are broad, vivid, and ever-expanding.

6.   I no longer compare my progress to others. I go at my own pace.

7.   I widen my vision and enter the space of possibility.

8.   I am open and receptive to something bigger, better, and more satisfying than I imagined.

9.   I spend my time wisely, investing in what matters most.

10. Inspired ideas come in peace. My options expand when I am peaceful.

11. I replace confusion with clear-minded thoughts and beliefs.

12. I allow my mind and body to relax—there’s no rush.

13. My inner and outer worlds align.

14. My intentions are more than random thoughts or wishes. I declare them as true for me.

15. I take daily actions to realize my intentions.

16. I use courage and honesty to stretch past uncomfortable circumstances.

17. I release all limitations. I let my imagination run free.

18. I let the past go and create an authentic life reflecting who I am right now.

19. I release old hurts and make room for good.

20. I am at the beginning of a long, satisfying journey. I keep moving forward.

21. This is my year to ______.

Check out Light it Up—7 Skills for Setting Intentions That Work today at Amazon.